From Gold to Sun
Episode 3: Quem-Quem, Janaúba
A Small Brazilian Town Rising Under the Sun

Priscila Brandão shares her journey.
Priscila Brandão is a former TV Globo reporter in Brazil and broadcast journalist for the renowned BBC World News series called, “Follow the Food.” For TV Globo, Priscila is most well-known for programs such as: Dia Brasil, Jornal Hoje and Jornal da Globo on from RJTV-2 channel. Born in Minas Gerais, Priscila is particularly interested in topics related to the environment and sustainability which makes her a perfect choice to take us on this journey.
The city on the banks of the São Francisco River. A charming and peaceful place, where the residents are very proud to be part of the growth of large-scale solar in Brazil. Learn more how solar energy has transformed the city and one of the first places to experience the economic growth since the arrival of centralized generation (utility-scale solar).
The arrival of large-scale solar has positively impacted the lives of Várzea da Palma’s 33,000+ residents. The construction of the Hélio Valgas solar complex has created opportunities for small businesses and job seekers, while also powering a large local metallurgy business, further boosting local economic growth and advancing the business’ ESG and decarbonization goals.
With the arrival of the Janaúba Solar Complex in Quem-Quem, this small town has experienced explosive job growth, and small businesses are now enjoying sustained economic benefits more than before. To meet solar installation construction needs, Nextracker customer, Elera and our local asset management team joined forces to train residents on solar installation and operations and maintenance (O&M) best practices. In fact, out of 100 local residents trained, 65 of them were women! Read on.